Re: This slanderer must be stopped...

From: Kenneth Hurst (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 22:01:09 MDT

On Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 8:54 PM, John Grigg wrote,

> Art Caplan, a medical ethicist, was quoted by Elizabeth Cohen of CNN as
having stated:
> We asked medical ethicist Art Caplan, and he's published on this issue
many times, ... what are the chances that this would work, that you'd be
able to cure the person and revive them? And he said zero percent, this is a

> ... Alcor, CI and others should not allow him to say such things and go
> He should be put on notice that he must publicly recant his slanderous
remark, or face litigation.

That seems a bit unreasonable if you ask me. It is just his opinion that
this is a scam. As untrue as you or I may think it is, it is his opinion
nonetheless and he is entitled to it. He should certainly be notified why
you believe his opinion to be incorrect, but should not be threatened with
litigation. Would it be slander if I said that evolution was a crackpot
theory? No, because that is just my opinion. The best minds in science may
well disagree with me, but I don't see how it is slanderous to state an

Kenneth Hurst

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