Re: cryonics on the cnbc news

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 19:45:35 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 10:26 am, spike66 wrote:
> > Perhaps in the coming court case, they could make special
> > provision to store Williams head up? If that partially removes
> > the objections by the plaintiff, it would surely be better than
> > cremation.
> Sadly, this is just a gross-out factor used to bash Alcor. I doubt the
> woman really cares about all these nit-picky details. She just want the
> guy dead and cremated. I would assume that if they overturn the request
> that the family then gets the money. This may be a simple court battle
> of a relative trying to overturn the will to get some of the estate.
> That is why my insurance arrangements donate all money to Alcor even in
> the even that I am not frozen. There is no incentive for anybody to
> interfere with the process. The lure of $120K for the relatives who
> dispute the funeral arrangements can certainly be tempting for some
> people.

It's more than $120k. Apparently, the son has been in charge of Ted's
financial affairs for at least several years, with allegations of
mismanagement by siblings who have been shut out of the parental spigot
(the sister is one of these). I'll bet that the son is the trustee of
Ted's fortune held in trust for his eventual revival, and the rest of
the family wants that money split up among the vultures.

I'll also be that you'll never see the media report this if its true.

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