Re: More v. Moreno; NY Times

From: Max More (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 18:16:25 MDT

At 05:41 PM 7/10/2002 -0400, John K. Clark wrote:
>Unfortunately on TV substance is of secondary importance, the really
>important thing is who had the better haircut. For those who saw the 1960
>Kennedy- Nixon debate on TV the overwhelming majority thought Kennedy
>won, for those who just heard it on radio the results were also overwhelming
>but they thought Nixon won.

And tall presidential candidates almost always win.

> So Max, don't worry about this science and
>philosophy stuff, just make sure you have a good barber.

Among her many fine qualities, Natasha has a sharp eye for how I look. It's
not difficult for her to get me to pay attention to my appearance, since I
am quite vain. :-) I'll keep the science and philosophy, keep up
appearances, maintain my English accent (which seems to be an asset), and
continue improving my pacing, timbre, and other cues that have surprisingly
large impact on acceptance or openness to a message. However, I will *not*
resort to including the word "God" in every second sentence.



Max More, Ph.D. or
Strategic Philosopher
President, Extropy Institute. <>

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