Cryonics "Meme-bites" Was: Crossfire transcript

From: estropico (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 05:32:42 MDT

I agree completely with Colin Hales when he says:


- but - I hate to admit it it or not........
"I believe that life has a course and a shape" and "the fact that life has
an appropriate beginning, middle and end" are statements that will resonate
with a huge number of people who have invested a lot of emotional capital in
coming to grips with assumed mortality.

The real content of the one-liners is effectively nil to anyone who applies
more than about 5msec thought, but in that format you don't have that
luxury. It's Noam Chomsky's "hell of the 10 sec newsybite" out there and you
have to live with it.

end quote

So, what "meme-bites" could be used in similar situations?

My own favourite is the classic "To those that ask me why I want to live
forever, I ask why they want to die...", but there must be lots more out
there. Here's a few a can think of off the top of my head:

"Does cryonics work?: The clinical trials are in progress. Come back in a
century and we'll give you a reliable answer."
"Would I rather be in the control group, or the experimental group?"
Ralph Merkle

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die
H.P. Lovecraft

Does anybody have any favourites? It could be worthwhile to collect them for
future use by anybody being approached by the press... especially those of
with considerably less experience than Max.


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