Re: news spin on cryonics

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 00:58:59 MDT

> (Harvey Newstrom <>):
> Is this news to anyone? Isn't it obvious that cryonics, life-extension,
> nanotech, and our other ideas are considered a UFO cult by mainstream
> science? I am not surprised at all about this news coverage, but am
> surprised by our own reactions. Maybe this should be a wake-up call for
> our movement. We are not mainstream and never will be. Anybody who
> thinks we are or will be is just deluding themselves. Mainstream news
> or public opinion would never be able to keep up with us even if they
> wanted to.

Not only am I not the least surprized by the media reaction, but I'm
delighted--it was far better than we could have possibly hoped for.
Even ridicule is press, and seeing Alcor dewars on the nightly news
is huge exposure. It wouldn't surprize me if Alcor website has had
more traffic than it can handle in the last few days, and we're
certainly not going to lose any support: the kinds of people who might
be supporters are not the kind of people who would take the press
seriously anyway.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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