Re: Ethical Philosophy test

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 19:39:19 MDT

>>> >You're not alone. How many college professors
take Ayn Rand even a
>>> teensy-bit seriously? (or, to paraphrase Foghorn
Leghorn, "she's a joke, son!")

Ah, but today's response is a pale shadow of what we
had to go through in the '60's. A lot of Rand's own
fiesty attitude and the religious fervor of her
following had to do with the milleau with which they
were faced. She upset the whole establishment

Prior to her, there was virtually no one publically
proclaiming anything but the altruist-collectivist PC
line. After Rand, the whole plethora of Robert
Ringer's, Harry Browne's, etc., came along and gave us
the trivialized selfishness of the "Me generation."
But they were just riding Rand's coat tails.

Now it's unusual for someone to be criticized because
they are following their personal dream. It's just
assumed that this is the proper thing to do. I can
remember a time when that was very far from the case,
when you were expected to live - or die - for God or
country or ideology. Yes, even here in the U.S. of A.

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