Re:How much benefit do we get from taxes?

From: Alex Future Bokov (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 11:49:02 MDT

Sometimes I think it would be better if we had complete socialism, every need
guaranteed to be taken care of by the state...

...for all individuals younger than 18. After that, they're on their own, sink
or swim, lassiez fair all the way. What's been screwing up free competition up
till now is the fact that people don't start on an even playing field. People
who on their own merits may deserve to be poor inherit money and power, while
people who on their own merits deserve to be successful more often than not do
claw their way out of the hole, the hole is often unnecesserily deep due to
idiot parents. From personal experience.

Of course, this is all just a what-if exercise. There is not feasible
political path from where we are to the level playing field idea.

In short, it's the kids I don't mind paying taxes for. But I do mind paying
for adult welfare either on the individual or corporate level.

This message was posted by Alex Future Bokov to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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