Re: 'dippy hippy left-wingers' (Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules)

Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 15:20:11 MDT

Samantha opined:

<<And there is no reasoning with people in the US who support
Israeli atrocities no matter how extreme.

- samantha>>

Sure, and reasoning seems to halt when people who support the PLO's claim of
thousands dead in Jenin, when it apparently twern't so. I note with glee the
love affair of the Euros and the PLO, as well as the champion cause of the
anti-globalist types, who now embrace the Palestian cause, as well as it
concurrent Jew hatred.

Even if the USA adopts' France's foreign policy of pro-Muslim et al, it will
not prevent the USA from getting whacked by terrorists with nukes. Why? Your
philosophy of independent thinking goes against Islamic Law. The world must
be brought under sharia, even for the Kaffars. This is Allah's will, Allah
must be obeyed. Notice that the Saudis fund the wahabbi approach to
religion, even though they are billionaires, so you'll have to insist on
democracy, in order to defeat Militant Islam. How about those apples?

Niceness may indeed be a two-way street, but it also needs traffic lights

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