Re: 'dippy hippy left-wingers' (Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 14:18:23 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Damien Sullivan wrote:
>>On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 01:32:34PM -0400, wrote:
>>>For example, openess didn't seem to help last thursday. This is especially
>>Being a hard-ass isn't obviously helping Israel.
> Depends on what you think helps Israel. If the arab world believes
> things about Israel and the US which are totally divorced from the
> facts, then there is no reasoning with them, and no chance of reaching a
> middle ground until they are smacked back to conciousness.

And there is no reasoning with people in the US who support
Israeli atrocities no matter how extreme.

- samantha

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