Re: 'dippy hippy left-wingers' (Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules)

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 13:08:02 MDT

Damien Sullivan:

>I note Amara focused on the hippie aesthetics

True, and I was smiling the whole time. Where's your sense of humor
folks? You had a holiday last weekend. Me thinks you could use a good
dose of Terrapin Station on your music box.

>in her post, not on hippie ideology.

(peace man)


>Anyway, it'd be easy to argue that we weren't attacked because of our
>openness and niceness, but because of our non-hippie behaviors.

These years I'm ideologically much closer to what the 1960s peace
movement was all about than in the 60s when I was a kid (when I was too
young to really understand). Something to consider is that those 1960s
times showed how common U.S. folk can effect large U.S. government changes.
No other western government is as responsive to people's opinion as the
U.S. government is to their U.S. citizens. If the young Europeans who I
met on my recent travels were somehow transplanted to the U..S, then these
nonapathetic youngsters would be loud and vocally expressing their
displeasure about the U.S. government's 'non-hippie behaviors'. I hope
that it points to times-they-are-a-changing, ahead of us.


   : | :

Amara Graps, PhD             email:
Computational Physics        vita:
Multiplex Answers            URL:
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
       --Anais Nin

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