Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 18:45:59 MDT

Alfio Puglisi wrote:
> As an European, I support GM labels (and you can bet that I'll buy a
> lot of GM food, if it's cheaper and same/better quality). Funny how many
> pro-free market guys on this list, do not like the labels. As far as I
> know, free markets require informed consumers. Now, it's true that many
> consumers are not very well informed about this, but removing the labels
> would make consumers even less "informed".

Free markets require that the consumer make the effort to keep
themselves informed. They do not require that producers of said produces
be the informers. If a producer uses a process, method, or ingredient
which the consumer does not like or want, it is the consumer's 'caveat
emptor' responsibility to divine that fact, either by the honest
voluntary disclosures of the producer, or via trusted third parties who
do product testing (i.e. Consumer Reports, etc). Caveat Emptor, as you
are likely aware, means 'buyer beware', thus implying that it is the
consumers responsibility to do due diligence to become and remain

If GM content is so important to consumers, then they will not buy
products which do not promote themselves as GM free, and are verified as
such by a third party testing agency. Any consumer who claims to not
want GM but doesn't take the responsibility to do their own due
diligence is an idiot who deserves to munch on GM.

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