Re: More art/Colin's Ants

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 18:09:11 MDT

At 01:59 PM 7/4/02 -0700, Gina wrote:

>Thank you Natasha! Gee, it sounds like I could have enough material for a
>breakoff page of personal grooming applications, with the cosmobots, the
>shaving and plucking of brows etc.....

Now we talking! I spend a minute or two every day pulling out those darn
things. I don't know why the hair between my brows grows faster than the
hair on my head. -:)

Right now I'm working on a Web site, but when I finish, let's discuss
putting up a page for you at Transhumanist Arts on the Extropic Art Gallery.

Natasha Vita-More

Founder, Transhumanist Arts & Culture
CEO >!

"I'd rather be inebriated on a classic life than a 1996 classic Merlot."

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