RE: Earnings as art (satire)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 21:34:09 MDT

> On Monday, July 1, 2002, at 03:29 pm, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> > Actually, maybe one could do some good art with business as
> material. It
> > might be interesting to see some art celebrating business
> and capitalism
> > for a change.
> >
> > I'm sure Natasha will point out somebody who has already exhibited
> > business plans at an art gallery :-)
> Wasn't Natasha's "Primo" a marketing plan for a new body replacement
> product? That's pretty close to a business plan. Don't tell
> me that it
> wasn't a real business offer. I'm already saving up for mine. It's
> still a toss-up whether the technology or my ability to
> afford it will
> arrive first.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
> Principal Security Consultant <>

I don't think I'd buy one. I might hire one once in a while if I need to
drop back into the physical world for some reason.


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