Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: An apology

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 04:40:16 MDT

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, spike66 wrote:

> Roger that. It will take something as smart as a runaway AI to fix
> something that has so far defeated Humanity Incorporated.

The implications are that things are severely broken, that we can't fix
it, and that the fix won't make matters actually worse.

I agree that things are rather broken, but I think there's definitely a
trend for the better -- all done by our meek handiwork, and I have grave
doubts about the outcomes of the fix suggested.

Let's say I claim I can outperform the market. The folks babbling about
the invisible hand are just smoking crack, don't listen to them. Because
the market is really stupid and blind, and, surely, we rational people can
do better. Let's make plans, in, say, 5-year increments, by a centralized

Clearly you'll agree with me that is obviously superior to how things are
being done now? Surely, you won't argue with me that this the best
possible world outcome for humanity? I know it for certain. You should
really trust me, because I have spoken to Carl.

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