Re:Proles without a clue???

From: Vanessa Novaeris (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 14:40:20 MDT

alex wrote:
<<Yeh, it gets worse! The more you learn, the more you find you don't know
and then you want to know. This is great only if you're gonna live long
enough to learn everything you want to know...which is why I'm into all
this, I suppose.>>

I have definitely found this to be the case!

<< Maybe extropians are just the nosiest people in the universe?>>

Perhaps, but I still feel reluctant to ask questions on the list because I'm
starting to self-educate so I'm afraid it would just bore everyone (like from
basic quantum mechanics to supersymmetry). I almost wish I had a posh 18th
century kind of education where a tutor could just come to my house & teach
me everything I wanted to know everyday. Of course, uploading would be a far
superior alternative - I guess thats what *I*m into all this :D

alex continues:
<<...Is this that 'dark night of the soul' thing people go on about, I
wonder? It's interesting how many of us have done the 'isolation' thing, and
then turned back to reassess human contacts. Maybe it's necessary to get a
perspective, like when you stand outside a problem and look at it afresh?>>

lol For me at least, it was more about getting a better perspective of myself
rather than the people & things around me. I think that if I have a problem in
my life, the problem is in me, since everything else is just aproduct of my
own perception, I have to be the one to change. Everything else (like people &
stuff) just seem to fall into their right places. I like to reflect on it as
more of a "soul make-over" rather than the whole "dark night" thing ;)

<<The 'general public' doesn't seem to use this
'overview' mode very often; perhaps they do in retrospect (about failed love
affairs, arguments, etc) but people on the whole seem to be more caught up in
worrying and / or feeling guilty than trying to think. If
folks are happy with that I think it's fine, but the trouble is, most folks
don't seem to find much joy in it.
(On the other hand, of course, perhaps I'm just too dumb to notice all these
things I should be worrying about>>

Yes, I agreee that worrying is a waste of time that you could be using
productively to DO something :)
And I don't think we're too "dumb" to notice, I just think that when your mind
is focused somewhere else - like the nature of the universe - you come to
realize how trivial those daily annoyances truly are & eventually just stop
noticing them. Thats just my opinion. But since most people don't think I'm
conventionally functional, I don't know what thats worth ;P
peace on the path,
vanessa novaeris

This message was posted by Vanessa Novaeris to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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