Re: POLITICS: Re: Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 02:56:39 MDT

> (Damien Broderick <>):
> At 01:54 PM 6/27/02 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:
> >I got in a bit of a mess a few years ago when I was being sworn in
> >at court and pointed out to the presiding judge that I was
> >agnostic...
> Interesting. In Oz, I gather, an atheist or agnostic, or an oddball
> Christian who pig-headedly accepts Jesus Christ's assertion that it's
> sinful to swear, simply makes an `Affirmation' instead.

That's not a problem in most places in the US as well--most courts
are happy to take your affirmation, and most don't use a Bible anymore.
Even president Nixon was sworn in with "I affirm..." (he was a Quaker).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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