Re: Uploading -- not quite what you want it to be?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 00:06:37 MDT

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Louis Newstrom wrote:

> The solar system is not random. It is governed by laws of physics.

True, and meteors showers are anything but random. All you have to do is
to track a lot of orbiting material which is subject to relatively (it's
*lots* more complicated than just purely Newtonian orbiting bodies) simple
physics. You can adaptively refine the model if a specific object becomes
a target of intense scrutiny.
> I was thinking that if everyone else was simulated, then it would be a
> random determination if they decide to rob a bank.

Yes, but this is a special case, a single upload in a world of zombies.

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