Re: Practical Cosmology: Fermi Paradox and Transcension

From: scerir (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 15:30:26 MDT

    ................... I still prefer two other explanations of the Fermi
    paradox: that we are not able to tune on the galactic communication
    network because it is based on physics not yet understood, and that
    superaliens may already be here unseen, maybe encoded in

Superaliens visited us here for sure, not unseen, not encoded :-)

The superaliens from Capestrano and Hirschlanden

High technology civilizations do survive to the contact with civilizations
of less advanced technology? :-)

Fermi paradox arises from a calculation about how much time a
civilization able to perform interstellar colonization, needs to diffuse
through the entire galaxy. This calculation gives a colonization time
of the order of a hundred million years. [Webb S., The Fermi Paradox,
Springer Verlag, 2002].

O. Kinouchi showed that the number of unvisited sites _may_ decay not
exponentially with time but as a power law. In other words, by "persistence",
the probability that a site has not been visited (or colonized) by diffusive
aliens, even in infinite time limit _may_ be a non-zero value.

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