Re: No use crying over spilt ilk

From: J Corbally (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 16:32:15 MDT


I like desserts as much as the next guy, but jeezzz.....


>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:36:03 -0900
>From: "John Grigg" <>
>Subject: Re: No use crying over spilt ilk
>Alex Ramonsky wrote:
> >Damien, what are 'anters'? Was the Ilk some kind of anteater or what? Is
> >it related to the mousse?
>While the rest of you go on and on about the "noble" Ilk, I am much more
>concerned about the "ugly" mousse. This poor gangly creature has been
>hunted to near extinction for it's musk glands, which when ground up make
>about the finest every-hair-in-place-but-it-still-looks-natural hair
>product around!!
>I wish to say you all need to immediately stop using mousse. STOP IT NOW!!
>Only the native Alaskan people have the ancestral right to hunt mousse so
>they will never be bothered by out of control hair.
>I'm going to start up an organization to fight for the rights of the
>mousse!! And I bet there will be big money in it for me, too. But that's
>not the reason I'm doing it(you should all realize that!).
>friend to all mousse everywhere,
>John : )

"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and
crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures
to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
-Q, Star Trek:TNG episode 'Q Who'

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