HEALTH: New hypercholesterolemia gene found

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 14:09:20 MDT

Scientists at UCSF have identified another gene (CYP7A1),
whose product "cholesterol 7-alpha hydroxylase" is
essential for the elimination of cholesterol, in which
mutations can cause elevated levels of cholesterol and

New Cholesterol Disorder Discovered As Predicted From Gene's Role

The last significant discovery in the regulation of cholesterol
metabolism (involving the Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor)
resulted in a Nobel Prize for Michael S. Brown and
Joseph L. Goldstein.

Augmenting defects in the Low Density Lipoprotein receptor
gene is an active area of research for gene therapies:

The augmentation of CYP7A1 gene defects would seem to be
another clear candidate.


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