Re: Uploading -- not quite what you want it to be?

From: John K Clark (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 09:24:25 MDT

"Louis Newstrom" <> Wrote:

> If it [being uploaded] happened "last night", then I am sure
>that I could check something that happened a while ago.
> For example, I could travel to where I spent my
> honeymoon (years ago) and see if the rooms looked the
> same, even down to a specific scratch on a specific table.

Well, if you didn't see a scratch on a table where you were expecting one I
rather doubt you would scream "Oh my God, I'm a upload!", more likely you
would say "I guess they got a new table". Memory is fickle, for example when
you look at things now that you saw as a child they tend to seem smaller.
More generally they could monitor your level of suspicion and when it
starts to get high alter the environment until you are happy. Actually that
was not my main point however, it was that there is no reason to care if you
are an upload or not because your subjective experience is identical.

    John K Clark

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