Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

From: John Leppik (
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 20:29:06 MDT

Samantha wrote...........
It is cultural. And much of the culture keeping hundreds of
millions in starvation, disease and very dire poverty is Western
culture. As long as Western culture is fundamentally based in
scarcity, in the notion there is not enough for everyone, the
West will act to secure as much as possible for itself. The
best of us will believe we are doing so in order to create
technology that fundamentally eliminates scarcity across the
planet. But, in point of fact, we pour food into the ocean
before we will give it to hungry nations. We sell them arms
with far less stringent controls than we bring in food and
medicine. Something is a bit wacky there.

- samantha

How about a littly evidence please.


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