defining crime after the singularity

Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 19:07:52 MDT

       I'm not sure if this has been touched on before. I'm sure it has to a
greater or lesser degree.
       It would seem to me that after the glorious day/event we call the
singularity. The world we live/exist in will be a very different place. I am
however sure that in the dawn of this new and hopefully glorious world we
have created. One thing from our past will still be with us, that being crime.
       I think that crime is inherently part of being human. After all,
theft, assault, rape and even murder all add up to evolutionary plus points
in a world where your only natural aim is to survive and replicate your DNA.
       This would appear to be one of the problems that we face today. where
in a civilised world these natural traits are aborant and criminal. This is a
matter of argument and I don't think that I am an expert on the subject,
rather just a curious observer of human nature. I do think that this basic
premise does hold alot of water and would hope that many of you agree.
However this isn't my point.

       After the singularity, I feel it would be fair to say that we will
still have crime. In fact I feel it fair to say that as long as WE survive in
some form or another we will still have crime. The problem is, what will be
defined as a crime?.
       If we have been uploaded/offloaded what happens to the present crime
of murder ?. Will deleting an uploaded consiousness be murder ? or simply
cleaning out the recycle bin ?.
       Will sawing off someone's cyborg leg be Assault with a deadly weapon,
or just criminal damage?. If someone breaks your glasses today are they
guilty of assault?

       There are a million and one laws in existence, many of which are
outdated and useless even today. Most of the more obscure laws just make us
laugh, but will it be a laughing matter when a bigger, stronger, immoral
upload sticks you in the trash can?.
 Kiss your binary body goodbyeeeee


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