Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

From: Martin Moore (
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 14:32:26 MDT

--- Jeff Davis <> wrote:
> few of the grown-ups on this list (dare I say
> "appropriately socialized adults") care to waste
> their
> time offering up thoughtful FACT-BASED political
> discourse only to receive in return the twisted,
> self-serving apologist self-delusion of
> Maslow-challenged cannibal wannabes.

Thank you for setting the example of "grown-up"
behavior, Jeff. Trantrum and all.

> Don't ask me to "back this up with facts", 'cause

Again, really hitting your point home.

> (1)
> you don't deserve it,

This from the "appropriately socialized adult"?

> (2) you're not paying me--and in
> any event, couldn't pay me enough--to embark on a
> fools-errand to reeducate you,

So there! And I'm going to my room!

> in
> any event, couldn't pay me enough--to embark on a
> fools-errand to reeducate you, and (3)despite your
> ludicrous self-characterization as rationalists and
> truth-seekers, you're really about believing what
> you
> want to believe and, in accordance with Max Planck's
> dictum, and barring an extensive course of
> electro-shock brain cleansing, will cherish and
> defend
> your sacred meme set--crap or truth or some mixture
> thereof--right straight through to the grave.

Boo fuckin' hoo.

> To whatever extent Sub-Saharan Africa is today a
> wasteland, it is a wasteland of pre-colonial,
> post-colonial, and post-cold war adventurism. From

It's HIS fault. He started it, Ma! Gimme a break with
this whining, weak, immature, self-loathing. You sound
like a 55 year-old burnout college professor.

> unrestrained expression of human ruthlessness
> between
    (insert condescending tizzy-fit here)
> the West (liberal Democracies, blah, blah, blah)--
> are
> ONE-FUCKIN'-HUNDRED PERCENT responsible for this
> state
> of affairs.

Right, dialectical materialism, that's the ticket. You
have it all figured out. But I think I've heard it
someplace before?

Listen, you are talking about the State-Of-The-World
from the inception of society. Slavery was the rule
(and if it wasn't for modern-day Africa, it would be
abolished today). There isn't a Nation, a tribe, or a
people who weren't "oppressed". And talk about the
Jews! C'mon, by your measure those poor bastards
should be scratching red clay with stone tools right
about now. Or how about those poor Aryans who were
chased right out of the Caucuses and clear across the
continent, with the Slavs at their heals. Reparations
anyone? Gimme my homeland back! And I think there are
quite a few Italians, Greeks, and Spaniards who need
only go back a few generations to find mass-slaughter
of their families at the hands of the Moors. Jacoby &
Meyers, where are you?

Hmf, the American Colonies weren't exploited by the
evil Western Powers, now were they? Mercantilism, nah.
We had it good.

And I think back to all those Irish immigrants who
came to America, of there own free will and accord, to
make easy money and oppress everyone else. That whole
Indentured Servant thing started us off right ;)

> The Jewish World News, grotestque abomination of the
> Think of it as "The Road to Hell: a buyer's guide."

I'm afraid that you're road, my friend, will bring you
nowhere quick. This list is dedicated to the present
and future. Not that a healthy dose of History isn't
vital, even if only to show how dangerous your
perspective is and how much future technology can
benefit everyone.

Some recent writing from your perspective was
published by Joe Conrad over 100 years ago. You may
want to check him out for some supporting



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