Re: Gattaca on TV this weekend

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 03:31:26 MDT

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> How can it be moral for you to sympathize with unmodified humans now, yet
> immoral after you transcend? Which one of you is being irrational?

I do not understand this sentence. Do you somehow imply that morality is

What is the mechanism asserting conservation of specific frame of morality
over subjective geological time scale in face of speciation, radiation
driven by Lamarckian/Darwinian evolution?

I wish there was one, but I'm not aware of any.
> Mind's a mind. If you can configure a human for altruism, it is

No, a mind is most assuredly not a mind. It's just we're used to people
and animals. We haven't met anything truly alien yet, but an AI
unburdened with billenia of evolution is truly something alien to this

> theoretically possible to do the same with AI. Anyone willing to challenge
> evolution as a constructor of intelligence should be ready to do the same
> for evolution as a constructor of altruism.

We have no evidence that higher fitness is associated with
symmetric-expectation transactions between asymmetrical players. I see
current human behaviour in terms of a frozen system artifact.

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