Re: Fw: Speed of light?

From: Party of Citizens (
Date: Sun Jun 23 2002 - 17:01:03 MDT

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Eugen Leitl wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Jun 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:
> > It doesn't prove any such thing unless it gives us empirical values
> > for the theory-equation. What are those empirical values?
> Since particle accelerators use electromagnetic fields to accelerate
> particles and to keep them on course they need to make above corrections
> for relativistic particles. Orelse they wouldn't work.

A specific application like this does not prove the general theory and it
is certainly not an answer to my question re EMPIRICAL DATA to prove the
validity of the theory. I may have a theory on gravity which causes me to
predict that when I open the tap the water will come out. But the reason
it comes out may have nothing to do with that general theory of gravity,
no matter how valid. It may be because someone has a pressure pump built
into the system.

I forget who gave me the example to prove (or disprove) E=mc2 but I think
it would work. All those nuclear power plants keep exact records of fuel
mass at the beginning and at the end as well as energy released. They
should have data to settle this matter.


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