Re: How to tell if you are a nice person

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Jun 22 2002 - 20:10:22 MDT

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" wrote:
> Here's a stranger and stronger form of the question: What would you do if
> you found out that the world was a simulation and *someone else* was the
> only real person in it? Assume that we subtract from the equation your
> Cartesian knowledge that you are a real person and replace it with the hard
> knowledge that you are a giant look-up table. What would you do? I like to
> think that (the simulated wallpaper version of) Eliezer would spend all
> available mental energy on making that one real person's life as pleasant as
> possible, but of course you never really know what you'll do (or the
> simulated wallpaper version of you) until the clinch.

I think this depends on whether that one 'real' person likes having yes
men to hang out with. I don't, despite my appreciation of approval from
others. I'd rather have one person to argue with for eternity than a
dozen friends who never question anything I say.

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