Re: Charging for obesity

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 08:10:59 MDT

I was chatting some years ago with a lady who was an assistant
producer for the Jerry Springer show. She told me that for a recent
show on very large people they had actually paid to have an entire
group of three seats reserved for each of their guests. (it was on
Southwest as I recall.)

Then there was the case in William Gibson's "Idoru" I believe where
the daughter of a yakuza warlord flying to America sat in the
middle seat of three rows reserved by her father to insulate her
from other passengers. Had quite the effect on the crew and other

Being large myself (6'6" and 290lbs) I've had problems with
airlines for years. Besides their lousy service, the problem has
always been the ridiculous amount of leg room allotted, and the
fact that with a 56" chest it is my shoulders that encroach on
seats placed too close together. The only saving grace has been
that on every flight but one I was seated next to the emergency
exit. This is a daily occurrence on the ridiculously designed CTA
trains and busses in Chicago.

As to the state of American fitness, I believe the White House is
going to announce a new national effort today.

Maybe to be fair airlines should charge by the pound?


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