Re:Re: Charging for obesity

Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 00:39:37 MDT

---------- spike66 <> writes:

From: spike66 <>
Subject: Re: Charging for obesity
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 21:28:28 -0700

Max More wrote:

> If Herb Kelleher and the rest at Southwest have the fortitude to hold
> the line on this, eventually these oversize people might start going
> to the gym and stop supersizing their fast food. I presume they will
> apply the same policy to any super-large bodybuilders who also need to
> spread well into a second space. Since the policy is based on space
> usage not on weight, this would only be consistent and fair.
> Max

"Fortunately for body builders, there are no major muscle groups
immediately outboard of the ilea. Those Ahhhnold lookalikes
tend to have narrow hips. They cannot compete if they have
any extra flab."

hooray at least they don't have to endure discrimination

"I applaud SW for having the corporate cahoonies to go thru with this."

just pressure from to quote the simpsons "loudmouth malcontents"

"I often have this experience on nearly full flights: they
have all but one of the seats filled, they will arrange for the
widest two people to sit together, devouring three seats between

That is the fault of the company who can't use simple logic like maybe asking people their weight and using a simple computer program. Or heaven forbid don't sell that many people tickets for that flight. Just plan to go without maybe 5 seats filled for emergencies.

"The agents cheerfully continue to sell tickets until
every seat is accounted for, so the last person shows up wanting
a seat."

That's just bad planning.

"Then the stewardesses must find two rows with two really
thin people to share with Nasal T. Lardbutt, and ask people to
move, which must be mortifying embarrassing for the flabmeisters."

I dislike the analysis of fat people. Furthermore there is a hidden assumption in there that the person is also a bit thick (mentally). I guess you could classify myself overweight but I was initially tested in school with an IQ of 195 so go figure.
"(Not enough for them to stop quaffing double bacon cheese whoppers
with super size fries, but still.)"

Oh so fat people have to rediculed as well. Good going. Maybe all the people who have a lesser income should be rediculed or maybe people with alergies or diseases. I am sure I don't want some fool getting me sick because of closed loop circulation systems on the plane.

"I am often one of the 4 skinnies who must fly crammed in, and
of course Big Mac is always on the aisle. Fer cryin out loud!
Are appetites that strong, that people will do *anything*, suffer
any indignity, to satisfy them? spike"

My advice to you is either change airlines or become CEO of said company. Barring that the best choice of action would be to simply use tolerance. You know the same tolerance that should be employed by the neauvo rich who make risible elements rise when talking of the plebeans?

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