Re: more funny [was fluff]

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 02:58:03 MDT

Mike Lorrey (I thunk) wrote:

>>>> But is bottling up those primitive and potentially dangerous parts of
>>>> ourselves really healthy? The leftie pshrink world says that people

Samantha replied:

>>> It is a popular myth that we must give an outlet to such in
>>> order to stay healthy. There are studies that give evidence
>>> that "safely" expressing anger and rage (as opposed to
>>> therapeutically dealing with it) increase anger and rage
>>> experienced rather than dissipating it like a safety valve. Not
>>> expressing some of our primitive and dangerous parts does not
>>> have to make us unhealthy either. With training these impulses
>>> can be overcome and/or their energy channeled in ways more in
>>> our interest.
>> What studies, pray tell, are these? I have seen some, and they are all
>> nothing but unscientific case studies of specific criminals. Purely
>> anecdotal evidence with no statistical comparison or causal correlation.
> If I have time I will dig them up. What studies do you have that
> prove the opposite any better btw?
> - samantha
...I think I may be such a study. (see post on VR violence). I have used
this sort of thing for 'therapy' for years and I certainly haven't
noticed myself getting any more violent. If anything, my need to do it
has diminished, perhaps because I know a 'safe' way to let it all play

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