RE: POLITICS: Agriculture subsidies

From: Colin Hales (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 22:04:27 MDT

Extropian Agro wrote:
> Forestry Ventures Inc.
> View from a Canadian farmer
<massive snip>

Thanks for the view of things. If I read it correctly, I need to view this
subsidy from the point of view of the metaphoric "wheelhouse of the ship of
state". There's a whopping great lever marked 'Primary Industry- Farms
Bucks+++'. When the lever is pulled by the economists, emergent niceties in
forms we don't readily recognise, but that a) are presumably worth having
and b)are only possible through this technique, ensue.

The fact that farmers are there, and that other economy's own farmers are
also inadvertently part of the game is a side issue.

Hmmmmmm. I'm mentally trying to make it a good thing and having trouble.
I'll have to stew on this.


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