Re: bombers or victims?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 17:04:18 MDT

spike66 wrote:
> Hal Finney wrote:
> >>
> > I don't really understand what the FBI is supposed to have done
> > here.
> > As I read the article, the two Earth Firsters had a home-made bomb
> > blow
> > up in their car...
> > Is this an accurate summary? If so, I don't see the police
> > activities
> > as rising to the level of villainy that Daniel suggests... Hal
> >
> Thats what I wondered too Hal. These yahoos who were already known
> to be terrorists had a bomb explode in their car. My first guess is
> that
> they were hoist on their own petard. The FBI sounds to me like they
> were acting on reasonable suspicion. What did I miss?

THe occupants have always maintained that the bomb was planted, either
by the FBI, police, or logging interests (anybody but themselves). I
always thought that it belonged to one idiot in the car, and the other
never knew about it...

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