Re: more funny [was fluff]

From: John W Haggerty (
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 14:41:56 MDT

On Sat, 15 Jun 2002 12:58:44 -0700 (PDT) Phil Osborn
<> writes:
> I had a roomie in my frosh year at UGA (BTW, recent
> article in the Register discussed the problem that UGA
> has been having with the perpetual students. Athens,
> GA, is such a great party town - like 3/4 of the
> population is students or UGA personnel - that noone
> wants to leave. So, they just keep going back for
> more advanced degrees in order to hang out. Really a
> great place - I often think I should've stuck around.)
> who I convinced to read "Atlas Shrugged," after which
> he declared that Rand was a murderer! "What do you
> mean?" asked I, in shock.
> He said that she was a murderer because she killed all
> those people in the novel - the ones on the train, the
> ones killed by the sonic disruptor, etc. I pointed
> out that these "people" were fictional characters in a
> novel. He said that this didn't matter, as she had
> presented the novel as an idealized depiction of
> reality. Therefore, she felt that these people had to
> or should die. She was wrong about that (that they
> deserved to die), and so she was just as much a
> murderer - just failing the opportunity in real life -
> as Adolf Hitler.
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That sounds silly. Characters are just characters and have no life of
their own.

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