Re: When Programs Benefit

From: John K Clark (
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 22:36:33 MDT

"Lee Corbin" <> Wrote:

>I disapprove of certain computations, those
>that cause beings to undergo unnecessarily painful experiences.

I agree.

> My simple phrasing does not include qualifiers about what may
> be happening simultaneously (in my reference frame) across the
> galaxy somewhere, nor something that happened (past tense in
> my reference frame) far away long ago.

Your reference frame is irrelevant and so is any objective time frame, the
only important thing is the subjective time of the computational being. If
everything is *exactly* the same as you say then the subjective time is the
same too, thus regardless of how many time you rerun the torture session
or the place it's done it only happened one time subjectively.

Earlier I criticized thought experiments based on feeling but now I'm going
to do the same thing: You are going to be hanged in one hour but before you
swing I show you proof that the universe is a closed loop and everything
including your life will be rerun without the slightest deviation an
infinite number of time. Do you feel better now? Personally I would not
feel one bit better and in fact the revelation would seem pretty close to
meaningless, but your mileage may vary..

   John K Clark

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