Re:capital \"F\" [was democracy, now capitalism]

Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 09:46:19 MDT

rotten elf wrote:

> i find it rather telling that you are assuming i am
> "letting Eugene Leitl" teach me, and that everything
> i need to know about "Friendliness" is in your writings.
> i like to learn from a multiplicity of sources.

Eliezer's writings have *defined* Friendliness (capital F). Eugen hasn't yet
even read the definition... yet. One can only learn about a subject from
someone who knows something about it. Learning from a multipliciy of sources
is an excellent idea :-)
But it is a good idea to make reasonably sure that the sources are
well-informed, lest one waste time reading tripe.

Michael Roy Ames

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