R: Spiking into Ancient Free Space

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Sun Jun 09 2002 - 02:04:12 MDT

> For whatever it is worth (~0), we now
> really can form a team and snag the world
> record, with complete confidence that some
> supergeek 2300 years ago hasnt already figured
> it out.

Hmmm, don't say that.

2300 years ago they already
knew the (now so called)
Moebius strip, symbol of eternity ;-)


Large floor mosaic from a Roman villa near Sentinum, now
Sassoferrato. About 200/250 AD. The central scene depicts
the youthful God of eternity Aion in the zodiac between
a green and a bare (winter) tree. At his feet the earth
mother Tellus with children who represent the four seasons
of the year. This mosaic is in Munich (Glyptothek Museum).

Much more in Lorraine L. Larison
"The Moebius band in Roman Mosaics",
Amer. Scien. vol 61 (1973) 544-547.

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