POL: Icelandic anarchism

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Sat Jun 08 2002 - 05:06:45 MDT

Privatization, Viking Style: Model or Misfortune?
by Roderick T. Long

Can the experience of Icelandic Vikings eight centuries ago teach us a
lesson about the dangers of privatization? Jared Diamond thinks so. In
his article "Living on the Moon"
published in the May 23, 2002, issue of the New York Review of Books,
Diamond portrays the history of Iceland in the Viking period as a
nightmarish vision of privatization run amuck.

Libertarian scholars and free-market enthusiasts have often pointed to
the Icelandic Free State (930-1262) as a positive example of a society
that functioned successfully with little or no government control.
Writing in the Journal of Legal Studies
[http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/Iceland/Iceland.html], economist
David Friedman observes that the Free State "might almost have been
invented by a mad economist to test the lengths to which market systems
could supplant government in its most fundamental functions." As Diamond
himself notes:

"Medieval Iceland had no bureaucrats, no taxes, no police, and no army.
. Of the normal functions of governments elsewhere, some did not exist
in Iceland, and others were privatized, including fire-fighting,
criminal prosecutions and executions, and care of the poor."

For the rest of this article, see

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