Re: Criticizing the Extropian Principles

From: John Grigg (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 17:02:19 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:
> I cannot find a single phrase---even a single word that bothers me.
> Please, can't you? Isn't there some little tiny thing that rubs you
> the wrong way? Well, let's hear about it!

Lee, considering the number of revisions Max has made with a great deal of input from list members, I am not surprised you find the extropian principles practically "bulletproof!" As the years go by they will doubtlessly continue to be revised(that would be the only extropian thing to do! lol).

Forrest Bishop replied:
Several things could use a tune-up. "Static Utopia" for example
is oxymoronic, even as State is unrealizable. "Rule of law" is an
impossible ideal, as laws are quite strictly matters of cognitive
processes, and therefore different for each individual. Laws are
not to be found in books or other recording media, as these information
storage devices are subject to personal interpretation.

I feel Forrest is nitpicking somewhat, but I would hope Max will consider his insights. On the positive side, I don't see how fascism and neo-nazism could use the extropian principles for their own purposes(unless they rewrote them to the point of being unrecognizeable).

best wishes,


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