Re: Bitter Pills

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 11:42:53 MDT

> >--but I want to /earn/ it, not take it by force.
> >"Need" and "deserve" are empty, meaningless concepts.
> How can one make sense of the term `earn' unless `desert' is also part of
> the package? I'm less sure about the, um, need for `need', but if you don't
> *deserve* a certain recompense for your efforts (according to some agreed
> calculus), how can you be said to have *earned* it? Isn't the difference of
> desert just that between (a) holding someone up and stealing their money,
> and (b) working to earn it by providing them with a service they seek from
> you?
> Damien Broderick

To my ears, "deserve" smacks of the labor theory of value: the silly
idea that someone who works harder should earn more. "Earned" wealth
is that gained by voluntary exchange from others, and in proportion
to the values /others/ directly place on your work, as evidenced by
their paying for it, not by some nebulous concept of "desert" as a
feature or work in its own right. Yes, I suppose the concepts are
related and one could certainly define "desert" in a capitalist way,
but most of the folks I hear using the word don't.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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