re: GREED and FAIRNESS (was Bitter Pills)

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 10:22:58 MDT

Emlyn wrote:

>In the guise of the "nicer society" player about whom I've posted
>before, I'd return the $10,000.

While I can certainly understand your sentiment, and think you a noble
person for it, I would probably be one who keeps the money. Think of it
this way: if the person who put the $10K there in the first place did not
think (or want) to remove it, then is it not his or her loss, and my gain?

Another reason is that how do you know that the person who sold you the
desk was the one who placed the money there in the first place? Most
likely it would not have been, or else the money would have been removed
(unless old grandpa Schlossenheimer, in all his dementia, stashed it there
before he died...the family wouldn't know).

What the best situation would be is to call the person who sold you the
desk, and ask unobtrusive, yet searching questions about the desk's
origin. That will likely give you a bit more of an informed decision about
where the money came from.

I think the bottom line is that you bought the desk as it was...if there
happened to be a hammer in one of the drawers, would you keep that? I
think it's the same principle as the $10K, though as I said, I can
understand and appreciate the sentiment of returning the dough.

E. Shaun Russell<---------------->Operations Officer, Extropy Institute<--------->
Music Production Student<--->Trebas Institute
          Hear my music at:
                  ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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