Re: extropian almost perfect odd number team captures world record

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 01:36:21 MDT

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

>Hey, Spike - have you considered searching for an almost perfect number
>whose factors are also almost perfect?
>(This is a JOKE.)
Yes, har, I got it.

Nowthen, has anyone noticed the price of memes regarding
odd perfect numbers on Ideas Futures? I watched the prices
going nuts after a long stability just about the same time we
started talking about this subject on extropians.

If some of you are trading in IFX on this info, stop it.
Or at least think carefully about what you are putting you
"money" on. We arent going to stumble onto a perfect
odd number by the technique I shared in the earlier post,
we will just get ever closer. I think I understand
why, which I will share shortly. spike

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