Re: extropians-digest V7 #150

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 01:52:32 MDT

Aha! I have to agree with dossy...humans behave like this. Their lives
are a power game (and if you're alive, you're caught up in it.) I don't
like that; I don't think it's neccessarily a good thing, but it is true.
And because it is true, people do all kinds of shocking, horrifying
things to each other about which we can be rightly shocked and
horrified. We fight for power; the power to stay alive, raise a family,
stay healthy and live a long time. If we don't win a position of power
sufficient to do these things, we fail to do them; we lose.
In the past, invading others and stealing resources or exploiting others
for resources has been a part of this power play. Now, technology is an
integral part of our lives.
All the technology we may wish to own, at root, is power. It's a
peaceful way to win, and there are more winners. If we take it far
enough, we could all be winners. Isn't that what being extropian is all

Dossy wrote:

>On 2002.06.05, Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
>>Dossy wrote:
>>>To the victor go the spoils. There's nothing wrong with "these people"
>>>-- there's something wrong with everyone else.
>>I am shocked and horrified by such an answer.
>Why, because it's true?
>>>That is merely how the game is played. Those who don't play the game as
>>>well, inevitably lose.
>>Life and death is NOT a "game".
>Refusing to play doesn't make it any less a game than it is,
>The only way to win, is to play and win.
>-- Dossy

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