RE: (pace, John Grigg)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 23:39:29 MDT

At 06:30 PM 6/5/02 -0900, John Grigg wrote:

>>"Pace" means peace, and it was out of deference to you that
>>he added that qualification.

>I was not familiar with the way Damien was using the word, so I looked it
up on an online dictionary(big mistake! lol).

Can be a big mistake, alas; dictionaries seem to be getting more restricted
as vocabularies shrink, at least in respect of traditional terms and phrases.

>Is the use of "pace" in this way something common among Australians, but
not U.S. folks?

It's a phrase one tends to encounter in non-popular (or un-dumbed down)
novels and other serious books, I suppose, throughout the English-speaking

How is it pronounced? Consider `requiescat in pace' - rest in peace. gives two options:


Pah-kuh is close to classic Latin (where Cicero is Kicker-roh); Par-chay is
the Italianate Latin I learned as a Catholic kid. I believe that most
people familiar with the expression would pronounced `pace', in the phrase
intended to deflect personal resentment, as Pay-see, yet a third version.
Really it should appear in italics. My bad for omitting the *asterisks*.

>Damien will use his black belts in Kung Roo, or Tae Kwon Kanga


But that's Tae Kwon Roo, also. At all costs avoid the dreaded paunchy pouch

Damien Broderick

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