RE: Ayn Rand and the Arrow of Time

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 20:25:37 MDT

Shaun asks,

> Eliezer wrote:

                          THE ARROW OF TIME

> Stuff That Sucks ---->----> Stuff That Limps ---->----> Stuff That Works
        ^ ^ ^
        | | |
        | YOU ARE HERE |
                                                      THE SINGULARITY

> What pointless drivel. What exactly does this say Eliezer? Don't you think the rest of
us know exactly what your thoughts are on this matter? Without getting too close to ad
hominem, I'm sure I could find a line between fantasy and reality where I could just as
easily put your ideas on the Singularity.

Well, I thought that he merely meant that Ayn Rand was
writing at a time when everything was WAY broken.

That seems very true to me; the 20's and 30's were
extremely "interesting" in the sense that you certainly
wouldn't want to have lived there.

By extension, of course, we're all very unfortunate to
have lived now, if that compromises by even an iota
our chance to live later on.


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