Re: Ayn Rand and the Arrow of Time

From: John Grigg (
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 19:35:59 MDT

E. Shaun Russell wrote:
What pointless drivel. What exactly does this say Eliezer? Don't you think the rest of us know exactly what your thoughts are on this matter? Without getting too close to ad hominem, I'm sure I could find a line between fantasy and reality where I could just as easily put your ideas on the Singularity.

Did the REAL E. Shaun Russell actually write this biting reply??? ; ) Or was it penned by his nefarious alternate universe twin with the "Evil Kirk" goatee?

I am in total shock right now!! I wince at the very thought of you putting together your own chart on Eliezer's cherished ideas!

And you don't want to mess with Eliezer... Remember how he got with Eugene Leitl(and he was just being encouraged by Eugene)! I now see the following code being written by Eliezer for his seed AI:

>E. Shaun Russell ported into very unpleasant pocket universe for a certain duration

It will be next to the long ago written code...

>John Grigg ported into very unpleasant pocket universe
for all time!

I love you guys(really)!,

John : )

"Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache:
Do be my enemy for friendship’s sake."
    -William Blake

"Progress in every age results only from the fact that there are some men and women who refuse to believe that what they know to be right cannot be done."
    - Russel W. Davenport

O wretched fool,
That lov’st to make thine honesty a vice!
O monstrous world! Take note, take note, O world,
To be direct and honest is not safe.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (1564–1616), British dramatist, poet. Iago, in Othello, act 3, sc. 3, l. 375-8.
Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.
Cherie Carter-Scott, "If Love Is a Game, These Are the Rules"

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
William Blake (1757 - 1827)

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