Re: what, not an extropian?

From: Giu1i0 Prisc0 (
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 00:40:36 MDT

I do not think the analogy is correct. If you don't like Mozart, you can
still consider yourself a musician for the reason you say, that he had an
important effect on musical history. But I doubt you would choose to
consider yourself a member of a particular musical school that explicitely
regards Mozart as a model.

> Damien: you've got to be joking. Is this really the only major thing that
> prevents you from considering yourself an extropian? That would be like
> not considering myself a musician just because I didn't like Mozart (which
> I don't)...someone who had an effect on musical history. Rand is just an
> influence on extropy...and that's all.

Giu1i0 Prisc0

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