Re: jokes (was ethnocentrism and extropianism?)

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 11:19:33 MDT

From: "Samantha Atkins" <>

> I am a little tired of the tired digs at feminists. I am an old
> school feminist. As some wit said, "Feminism - the radical
> notion that women are people!" I believe in full equality for
> women, as I do for all people of all genders.

... yes, full equality and full responsibility, as well. The latter is not
always in evidence, and some women don't seem to mind the fact that men are
the only ones who have to register for the draft, that divorce courts still
favor women (many more examples such as these abound). Why aren't women -
and men - up in arms about the lack of day care for young children in the
USA? What I've observed of young women recently is that - even though they
are way, way ahead of the young women of my day insofar as getting some type
of career going for themselves - many of them still talk about snagging a
"rich" guy, having a fairy-tale wedding (a barbaric ritual if there ever was
one) and having HER parents (do I hear "dowry"?) pay for it. Do the
"diamond ring" commercials ever intimate that maybe the woman should propose
to the man, and get HIM a ring? Of course, there are exceptions. But from
an overview perspective, things look pretty much the same ... and the ritual
drums keep beating on and on on. I still see a lot of women selling
themselves off to the highest bidder (all done on a somewhat subconsious
level, but not always). Surely, a lot of men get the message: get a
career, make money, snag a babe. Women get the message, too: be a babe,
and you can marry it. Yes, I am being very general, but the generality is
out there and evident. The most equality (sharing equal responsibilities)
I've seen consistently has been with homosexual partners (for the record,
however, the only gay couples I know presently are male).


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