RE: Hidden Agendas? (was: Invisible Friends)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 11:38:50 MDT

Harvey writes

> On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at 08:30 pm, Lee Corbin wrote:
> > So I'm just asking again very nicely, (no demands or anything)
> This would be another good thread to move off-list into e-mail. It also
> has started rehashing the same topics, and is more about the individuals
> rather than the topic.

Well, no, not exactly. I still would prefer that you
provide some basis for the following, or retract it.
The reason is that I have a counter-claim, namely that
although it would be quite okay for someone to do so
if they wanted, no one on this forum so far has said
that they want to re-write Max's Principles or change
Extropian philosophy. However, it is very difficult
to present any evidence for such a "negative" claim.

Therefore, once again, with reference to your statement
of Tue 5/28/2002 9:47 PM:

> Stranger still, these threads always seem to include discussions on how
> to manage the list, how to rewrite Max's principles, how to change the
> Extropian philosophy, how to establish extropian forums somewhere other
> than the ExI servers, etc.

I'm just asking again very nicely yet again,

"As for rewriting Max's principles, can you mention
who has wanted to do that? Could you name anyone
who says they want to change Extropian philosophy?"

I don't understand why it is that you don't want to
either provide evidence for your statement or retract
it. Or maybe you would like to take an opportunity to
just re-write the above and say what you really mean?

As I said before, perhaps you accidentally created a
straw man here, or wrote without thinking.


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