Re: Censorship

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 02:08:24 MDT

On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 02:41 am, Lee Corbin wrote:

> I started this thread to (i) enable everyone to see
> that no censorship had actually happened, and (ii)
> to focus on how people should express disapproval at
> issues being discussed, and how yet others should
> express their dismay at that disapproval.

Great. There never was any censorship, and we are in agreement.

Then let's terminate this thread now. Any further discussion can be
done via e-mail offline. There's no use repeating these arguments over
and over, especially if no one is claiming that censorship has actually

> I won't be using the word any further, except to respond
> if someone incorrectly claims I am making or did make an
> error.

Also another reason not to keep posting in this particular thread.

> I do not quote people out of context. Listen, can't we stop
> making accusations like that against each other for a while?
> And thanks, in this case, for providing references. And do
> let me always know when you think I've made a false claim,
> because I appreciate criticism, and the chance to set
> something right if I have erred.

Yes and Yes. We can do this off-list via e-mail, since this thread has
become more about our particular misunderstandings and less about any
censorship being discussed on the List.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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