Re: Hidden Agendas? (was: Invisible Friends)

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 19:19:11 MDT

On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at 08:30 pm, Lee Corbin wrote:
> So I'm just asking again very nicely, (no demands or anything)
> "As for rewriting Max's principles, can you mention
> who has wanted to do that? Could you name anyone
> who says they want to change Extropian philosophy?"
> I'm asking again, because I'm afraid that maybe you've accidentally
> created a straw man here, or you wrote without thinking.

Give me a break! It was YOU, Lee! YOU are the one who caused an entire
thread arguing whether we believed the principles or not, who wrote
them, how we should decide what we believe, etc.

You keep posting outrageous claims and starting flame wars. When the
flame war goes away, you play innocent and pretend that you don't know
anything about it. If someone posts your quotes back to you, you just
start the whole argument again.

I am not going to fall for this trick and rehash the argument for a
third time. Anybody can go to the archives and see who said what. I
have already proven you wrong before when you insisted that you weren't
involved in a thread or that I was misquoting you.

I do not intend to rehash this discussion again.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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